Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Launch Day

It's official! YEAR OF THE KING: Part One went on sale today at Amazon.


I'm very excited and proud of the story. I hope others will come to it, enjoy it and continue to purchase the next 5 Parts.

On a down note, my YOTK_book feed at Twitter was suspended on Saturday for "aggressive following" and is still inactive as of today. Couldn't be more angry. Seriously. I was getting a decent following there and a few comments of interest. Apparently Twitter thought I was a machine clicking on peoples names--which I suppose is funny seeing as YOTK has robots and intuitive computer systems.

Oh well.

Anyway, if you've come to this site, I hope it is because you are enjoying the book and want to know more about it. Keep returning for more insight as I publish Parts Two through Six over the next few months.

And thanks for your support/interest!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Adding Images

I've been adding some images to the e-book to enhance the experience, like this one for the Hub City Herald's news flashes:

I would also like to create and add some advertising and propaganda posters, but those will most like appear in the YOTK Omnibus later this year. We will see.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

YOTK: Part One on sale January 8th!

The e-book of YEAR OF THE KING: Part One will be ready to purchase on January 8th.

Come see what future America will look like in the year 2235!

Follow top cop Cooper 08062206 and his team as they try to stop a terrorist attack on our nation's future Capitol!